The Effect of Smartphone Usage Frequency on Online Repertoire by Immigrant Digital Groups

  • Mashita Putri Hatama Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Reza Safitri Universitas Brawijaya
  • Anang Sujoko Universitas Brawijaya
Keywords: Repertoire, Smartphone, Digital Immigrants, Uses and Gratification


Inspired by the Media Repertoire idea in various studies, this article analyzes what digital immigrant groups build-in using Smartphones in everyday life. The repertoire is the selection of media used periodically based on its usefulness and became an identifiable routine. This study grouped Smartphones activities for various interests into 5 themes including; Entertainment, Transactions, Consumption, Production/Participation, and Social Welfare Services. How the results of the online repertoire on Smartphones based on these 5 themes. Whether the frequency of use using The Uses and Gratification theory can form a Repertoire of 5 grouped themes, the researcher take this data at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang for lecturers and active employees who are a group of Digital Immigrants by distributing online questionnaires and sampling techniques using the formula Slovin (N: 107). To identify the online repertoire in Smartphones using PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis so that it can be known as the coefficient value in variable X in influencing variable Y. The results showed that consumption theme has a coefficient value of 0.849 > from t-table 0.6 which means it has the largest contribution compared to other 4 dimensions so that consumption is an online repertoire in Smartphones in the Digital Immigrant group and the frequency of use (Uses & Gratification theory) has a dominant influence in the formation of online repertoire in Smartphones with a statistical value of 4,526 > from t-table 1.96. The conclusion is that the duration and frequency of using smartphones can make Indonesian people, especially digital groups of immigrants, become active consumers to shop online in e-commerce. 



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