Jurnal Riset Komunikasi https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk <p>Jurnal Riset Komunikasi (JURKOM) Print ISSN&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1517891282&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-0875</a>&nbsp;| Online ISSN&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1517892915&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-0948</a><span lang="en" tabindex="0">&nbsp;is a scientific journal published by Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM) Wilayah Riau. Jurnal Riset Komunikasi (JURKOM) focuses on communication issues in general including&nbsp;</span>media and journalism, marketing comunications, organizational comunication, applied communication, cross culture communication, new communication technology,&nbsp;<span lang="en" tabindex="0">etc. The articles can be written in Indonesian or English.</span></p> <p>Jurnal Riset Komunikasi (JURKOM)&nbsp;<span lang="en" tabindex="0">was published twice a year in February and August through a <strong>double blind review process</strong>. The process of sending the script through the Online Journal System. JURKOM is currently indexed by&nbsp;<a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=IOzcxjYAAAAJ&amp;hl=en&amp;authuser=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>,&nbsp;<a href="http://garuda.ristekdikti.go.id/journal/view/15358" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a>,&nbsp;<a href="http://onesearch.id/Search/Results?filter[]=repoId:IOS7565" target="_blank" rel="noopener">One Search</a>&nbsp;and in other index registration processes.&nbsp;Jurnal Riset Komunikasi (JURKOM) also supervised and member of&nbsp;<a href="https://apjiki.or.id/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asosiasi Penerbit Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia&nbsp;(APJIKI)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>MoU No: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wTZXz7p8R5diNdCEi0HEWj2_oSDLBdHm/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener">114/MOU/APJIKI</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Jurnal Riset Komunikasi (JURKOM) has been accredited on level 3 (Sinta 3) by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (SK Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemristekdikti <a href="http://arjuna.ristekdikti.go.id/files/berita/Pemberitahuan_Hasil_Akreditasi_Jurnal_Ilmiah_Periode_V_Tahun_2019.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">No. 28/E/KPT/2019</a>) valid for 5 years from Volume 1 No. 1 2018 to Volume 5 No. 2 2022.</p> Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komuniasi (ASPIKOM) Wilayah Riau en-US Jurnal Riset Komunikasi 2615-0875 Crisis Communication Strategy in the Digital Era at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia's Directorate General of Taxes https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/914 <p>The phenomenon of corruption at the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia is currently in the public spotlight. This study underlines the need of responding quickly to institutional crises through the implementation of digital communication tactics. Failure to respond quickly can make an institution vulnerable to unmanageable attacks. The community aspires to be able to communicate and participate directly in overcoming the situation. As a result, institutions must move from a one-way communication strategy to a two-way interaction model via their official social media channels. A crisis can have a significant impact on public safety, financial losses, reputational harm, and other difficult-to-predict issues, therefore a crisis communication strategy is essential. This research aims to determine DJP's crisis communication strategy. This research uses a case study qualitative method approach at the DJP to obtain accurate information on crisis response. The results of the research show that the agency has had a good crisis management plan and handling since before the crisis occurred; the crisis response and after the crisis have continuously been monitored regularly in various media, from content creation on social media, information on the official website to establishing good relations. with various media both nationally and internationally. DJP is also collaborating with Public Relations service centers in all regional offices and employee advocacy through the institution's official social media account to open as many communication channels as possible so that the public can well receive the message. Statements and firm steps were then disseminated through DJP's social media platforms and official websites to resolve the crisis.</p> Tsabdany Tzarauliarany Anagusti Fitria Ayuningtyas Anter Venus ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 7 1 1 14 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.914 Stunting Health Literacy in Salah Kaprah Films Produced by the Yogyakarta Special Region Public Health Department https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/1003 <p><em>Stunting is a serious health problem in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). This is evidenced by the prevalence of stunting in DIY according to the 2021 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI) of 17.3 percent. This figure shows that DIY is ranked third lowest in Indonesia after Bali at 10.9 percent and DKI Jakarta at 16.8 percent. The importance of stunting health literacy based on short film media produced by the DIY Public Health Department (Dinkes) is one of the alternatives and solutions to increase understanding related to stunting. Short film media about stunting has the power to convey relevant health messages to the public. This study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of stunting prevention through health literacy in a short film, Salah Kaprah, produced by the DIY Public Health Department. Qualitative research methods with the research stages are determining the focus of research, data collection, and data analysis. The results showed that the disease-related narrative is still considered dangerous. The disease narrative becomes harmless when delivered by health workers. The role of health workers is central and important to carry out literacy in tackling hoax disease-related issues.</em></p> Vani Dias Adiprabowo Marsiana Wibowo ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 7 1 15 27 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.1003 Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Kelompok Tani Rubaru dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Bawang Merah sebagai Komoditi Unggulan Kabupaten Sumenep https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/956 <p><em>Sumenep as one of the easternmost districts on Madura Island has the most promising agro-political potential. The agricultural sector is the primary source of livelihood, both on land and in some areas. According to the statistics of the Central Statistical Authority (CST) of Sumenep district in 2021 the largest contributor of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) is 39.41% as the largest agropolitical producer compared to other sectors. The agricultural area of Sumenep district reached 207.010 hectares with a total production of 828.814 tons. As for the purpose of this study is how the Marketing Communication Strategy of Tani Rubaru Group in increasing the sale of red onions as a major commodity in Sumenep district. The method used in this research uses qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques were in-depth interviews and observation. The results of this research show the marketing communication strategy carried out by Tani Rubaru Group to increase the sale of Red Onion with the development of production activities, development of processing products of various variants, development and practice in marketing activities through social media</em></p> Anis Kurli Rillia Aisyah Haris Ida Syafriyani Raudhah Pattria Sari Purnama Violita Putri Rahman Riady ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 7 1 28 45 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.956 Studi Semiotika Teks Diskursus “China Threat” di Kalangan Elit Indonesia https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/996 <p>This research departs from the problem of discussions on Foreign Workers (TKA) and China's claims to parts of the North Natuna Sea (LNU) area. Actively several parties who are considered state actors, such as government officials and non-state actors such as politicians, academics, and also ordinary people shape this discourse. The research method used integrates text semiotic methods with post-structuralist securitization concepts. Semiotics is used to select and analyze signs in text and non-text form as well as post-structuralist securtization as a model in analyzing these signs.These actors produced a number of signs (signs) in the form of indices, icons and symbols which were narrated both orally and in writing to represent the discourse of the "Chinese Threat" in the Natuna and Foreign Workers (TKA) cases. The results of the analysis show that the signs produced in the Natuna case by government elites (state actors) are the same as non-government elites (non-state actors). The government is directing the Natuna case as a securitization issue. Different facts were obtained in the case of Chinese foreign workers. Non-government elites (non-state actors) have the same view that this problem must be considered as a threat and included in the securitization process. Several social signs such as the death of Indonesian workers, wage discrimination, and arbitrary treatment should be used by the government to frame the case of foreign workers as a discourse of securitization. On the other hand, government elites (state actors) construct a narrative that Chinese foreign workers are in accordance with statutory regulations.</p> Zudan Rosyidi Abu Fanani Murni Fidiyanti Jauharoti Alfin ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 7 1 46 56 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.996 Wacana Multimodalitas Budaya: Tautan Peran Gender dan Akomodasi Komunikasi dalam Film Serial Gadis Kretek https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/965 <p><em>Gadis Kretek (Lit. Cigarette Girl) is a film series that narrates the tale of Lebas and Arum, who embark on a quest to uncover the truth about a woman named Dasiyah (Jeng Yah). The series features two distinct periods: in 1946, when Dasiyah and Soeraja met during the development of the cigarette industry, and in 2001 when Lebas and Arum's search for Dasiyah revealed her family's past. This study analyzes the discourse of gender roles and communication accommodation in the Gadis Kretek film series, specifically episodes 1 and 2, using modality discourse analysis. The research method employed is qualitative, with speech analyzed through modality using elements of gender role theory and communication accommodation. The analysis of gender roles and communication accommodation in the Gadis Kretek film series, episodes 1 and 2, was conducted using Theo Van Leeuwen's Multimodality Discourse Analysis (MDA) method. The results of multimodal analysis indicate that in societies with traditional gender role views, communication tends to diverge or accentuate differences between parties. In contrast, in modern societies with non-traditional views, communication tends to be more open, reducing existing differences.</em></p> Lulu Nadya Hakim Teresa Metta Rosario Rustono Farady Marta Hana Rochani Gustasari Panggabean ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 7 1 57 71 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.965 The Public Perceptions of Transgender Identity as 'the Other' in Social Media https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/990 <p><em>Waria also known as transgender women, despite consistent exclusion from society, are becoming increasingly visible in Indonesia during the era of globalization. In recent years, they have gained more popularity by leveraging the rapid development of social media. This study aims to critically examine public perceptions of transgender, using the case of one of Indonesia's most famous transgender figures, Lucinta Luna. The researcher analyses Instagram users’ comments on her account, as a representation of how the public responds to Luna's identity as a transgender. This study utilizes a qualitative approach and thematic analysis as the analytical method. To analyze the data, this research uses </em><em>Computer-Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (CAQDAS) NVivo 12. Furthermore, this study adopts Hall's theory of 'the other' to critically examine how Indonesians respond to transgenders. This research found that two significant themes emerged from overall Instagram users' comments on Luna's identity, which are negative and positive public perceptions. In both themes, three sub-themes emerged: sarcasm, religious criticism, and sexual harassment in the negative theme, and admiration, comedy, and a supportive attitude in the positive theme.</em></p> Vany Fitria Desika Putri Mardiani Abdulsalam Aderibigbe ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 7 1 72 85 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.990 Gen Z dan Perilaku Konsumsi Konten Influencer pada TikTok https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/1002 <p><em>Digital marketing grows as increasingly usage of the internet in society. Moreover, social media has changed the new landscape of marketing. Marketing through influencers was considered to be an effective marketing technique. That is also on TikTok App. Young users in 13-27 years old, known as Gen Z, always involve influencers in their digital activities. This research reviews how Gen Z's behavior in accessing Influencer content that was mentioned some brand. How these users make consuming content decisions through persuasion communication created through influencer content on tiktok. This research uses a phenomenological approach that is analyzed with the concept of Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). The result showes that there is a dichotomy of gen Z behavior in consuming influencer content. On the central route, Gen Z users follow content if the influencer's brand-related story aligns with their values and beliefs. Then understanding the product message emphasizes understanding the features, advantages, and disadvantages of the product before deciding on a particular behavior. Meanwhile, on the peripheral route, Gen Z users prefer visually and aesthetically attractive content before following influencer content. The product being communicated is adopted if it is considered popular or follows the short-term benefits offered.</em></p> Arina Himatul Husna Desy Mairita ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 7 1 86 100 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.1002 Pengaruh Girl Group Twice sebagai Brand Ambassador Scarlett Whitening terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen melalui Mediasi Brand Image https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/954 <p><em>Scarlett Whitening is one of the beauty companies that takes marketing strategy steps by utilizing the presence of brand ambassadors, such as the girl group Twice. This study aims to analyze the influence of Twice brand ambassadors and brand image on</em><em> consumer</em><em> purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening in Pekanbaru. The research method used is quantitative with an explanatory approach and a questionnaire as an instrument in data collection. The population in this study were consumers of Scarlett Whitening beauty products whose numbers were unknown and the sample was obtained as many as 272 respondents. The results of this study indicate that (1) brand ambassadors partially influence purchasing decisions, (2) brand image partially influences purchasing decisions, and (3) brand ambassadors and brand image simultaneously influence purchasing decisions with an effect of 43.1%. It is concluded that in improving purchasing decisions, companies can consider using the right brand ambassadors who have good credibility and pay attention to brand image and consumer needs.</em></p> Naufal Al Hamid Rumyeni Rumyeni ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 7 1 101 113 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.954 Local Wisdom, Local Culture, and Global Market Post-Pandemic Covid-19: Rebranding the City of Tuban, Indonesia https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/993 <p><em>This study aims to describe the implementation of local wisdom in the imaging strategy of Tuban, East Java, after the Covid-19 pandemic. It is crucial to explore the understanding of implementing local wisdom in the imaging strategy of Tuban, East Java, after the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the theories used include the theory of city branding, city imaging strategies, and local wisdom. These three theories become the basis for understanding and explaining the implementation of local wisdom in the imaging strategy of the city of Tuban, East Java. The results showed that Tuban Regency carried out various city imaging efforts. Implementing local wisdom in urban imaging strategies includes history, processes, stakeholders, city branding elements, and events. The research model on the implementation of local wisdom in the imaging strategy of Tuban City is closely related to history, which includes branding initiatives in the city vision, tradition and culture, city regulations, and city vision.</em></p> Santi Isnaini Dina Septiani Satrya Wibawa Aqila Nur Rahmalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 7 1 114 127 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.993 Pengaruh Konten Digital dengan Komunikasi Dialogis dan Narasi pada Emosi Krisis Negatif https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/959 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The current technological development is progressing rapidly, accompanied by advancements in communication processes, where the exchange of information occurs very easily, especially on social media. The existing social media platforms nowadays enable users to express opinions, experiences, and various other information, known as User-generated content (UGC). UGC related to company information could not be controlled by the company, even during the crisis. Therefore, this research aims to measure the influence of the types of content created by the public (dialogic content and narrative content) on the negative crisis emotions experienced by other members of the public. This research follows a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, conducting an experiment. The study assesses the changes in negative crisis emotions among the public regarding the crisis of the Sanmol syrup medication. The research sample consists of 118 respondents selected by purposive sampling techniques. The results of the study indicate that there is no significant change in negative crisis emotions after exposure to dialogic and narrative content treatments.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>crisis, digital content, dialogis communication, narrative, negative crisis emotion</p> Mentari Anugrah Imsa Asep Soegiarto Menati Fajar Rizki ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 7 1 128 138 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.959 Analisis Resepsi Kelompok Pemilih Pemula Pemilu 2024 terhadap Iklan Politik Audiovisual Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/957 <p><em>This research examines the audiovisual political advertisements of the National Mandate Party (PAN), specifically the jingle versions broadcasted through television and online platforms such as YouTube, in facing the </em><em>Indonesia </em><em>electoral contest</em> <em>2024. The author focuses on the political message content and gimmicks that PAN, as the message producer, presents to the audience as message consumers in these advertisements. The aim of this study is to elucidate how the audience, particularly first-time voters in the 2024 elections, perceive the content of PAN's political advertisements. The author employs a qualitative approach and utilizes Stuart Hall's encoding-decoding model of reception analysis to comprehend how the informants receive and interpret these advertisements. The research results yield three main interpretations of informants regarding the PAN's audiovisual political advertisement</em><em>; </em><em>as something unique, as a political advertisement full of gimmicks lacking ideas, and as a pragmatic political display.</em> <em>Additionally, the research found that several informants were distributed among three audience positions</em><em>;</em><em> dominant hegemonic, negotiation, and opposition. The differences in these positions are influenced by their backgrounds in knowledge, education, and life experiences.</em></p> Faisal Haris Azwar Azwar ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 7 1 139 158 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.957 Komunikasi Pariwisata Berbasis Komunitas untuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata Budaya di Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkalis https://jurnalrisetkomunikasi.org/index.php/jrk/article/view/1007 <p><em>Bukit Batu Village, Bengkalis Regency has many attractions as a tourist destination. This research aims to explain the community-based tourism communication model in developing the Bukit Batu tourist village. This study uses a tourism communication approach with a community-based tourism (CBT) approach. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The research results show that tourism communication in the development of the Bukit Batu cultural tourism village is carried out by the tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis)/Bukit Batu Tourism Volunteers. This Tourism Awareness Group contributed to preparing many programs and&nbsp;</em><em>implementing activities to advance the Bukit Batu cultural tourism village so that it won many awards. Pokdarwis' communication in tourism development is carried out in collaboration with local governments, companies and other communities such as: photographers and Creative Economy. And Activists of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The tourism communication model in developing the Bukit Batu cultural tourism village is carried out by the community as the main driver, the private sector funding support, and the government as facilitator and regulator.</em></p> Noor Efni Salam Yasir Yasir Muhammad Firdaus Rusmadi Awza Evawani Elysa Lubis ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 7 1 159 174 10.38194/jurkom.v7i1.1007