Objektifikasi dan Konstruksi Cantik pada Tubuh Perempuan dalam Akun Instagram @ugmcantik dan @unpad.geulis

  • Anggian Lasmarito Pasaribu Universitas Telkom


The patriarchal culture that is still being maintained has made women dependent on the judgments of others when trying to see and measure themselves regarding body issues. This is reflected in the accounts @ugmcantik and @unpad.geulis. This article attempts to examine how women's bodies are constructed and objectified through these two beautiful university accounts using a descriptive qualitative approach and Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis research method. The data collection technique in this study was by observing the photos posted on @ugmcantik and @unpad.geulis accounts and analyzing the dominating comments on these photos, categorizing them into objectification or construction of women's bodies. The findings of this study indicate that objectification and construction practices on women's bodies are still perpetuated through the photos and comments on both accounts, and women are still dominated and seen as passive objects.


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